Nick is available for hire
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Nick is a senior iOS engineer with 12 years of experience in third-party integrations and standard iOS technologies. He has extensive knowledge of Swift and objective - c and has worked on multiple applications published in the 应用程序商店, 其中大部分都是他自己或作为一个小团队的一部分从零开始建造的. Nick擅长帮助创业公司高效发展, deploy, and maintain mobile applications and believes that communication is key to a successful project.


Swift, objective - c, Xcode, WatchOS,移动开发,CI/CD管道...
Swift, Xcode, WatchOS, 移动开发, 应用程序商店, iOS...
Swift, objective - c, Xcode, WatchOS,移动开发,CI/CD管道...





Xcode, Swift, objective - c, iPhone SDK, iOS


...product I've worked on is a private social network called Notabli, built in a startup environment.



  • Collaborated on implementing and maintaining the underlying sync and networking layer for PlanGrid Build. The app can be used offline and has a sophisticated interaction with the local storage and various back-end endpoints.
  • Designed and implemented multiple shared UI components used by developers in every feature team.
  • 帮助维护发布周期, 与詹金斯互动, GitHub, 应用中心, 和iTunes上传的CI/CD.
  • Built reusable networking operations inside the shared Kotlin multiplatform library, iOS使用, Android, 和Windows团队.
技术:快速, objective - c, Xcode, WatchOS,移动开发,CI/CD管道, 应用程序商店, iOS, 订阅处理, Mobile, Figma, iOS SDK, SwiftUI, Combine, AVFoundation, Visual Studio 应用中心, JSON, 软件架构, 技术领导, Jira, Slack, 移动应用程序, 反应性编程, Git, UIKit, 应用内购买, Swift 5, TestFlight, iOS原生库, APIs, REST api, 振幅, Apple, SDKs, GitHub, SQLite, CocoaPods, 用户界面(UI), 核心动画, UI动画, iOS 10+, iOS API, 领导, 模型视图视图模型(MVVM), iPhone, SQL, 移动应用程序, Keychain, App 保护, Security, SSL, SSL证书, 苹果的手表, 逆向工程, 本地数据持久化, Networks


2009 - 2022
  • 兼职与几家创业公司合作, joining their team of developers to write high-quality code while fitting into an existing development environment.
  • Contributed to the HiHo app using AVFoundation to capture and play back videos and connect to a Firebase back end to store data. HiHo was built with an MVVM architecture and a heavily-leveraged Combine framework.
  • Utilized 核心数据 for local storage for OhMD and built a new interface on AWS to allow media sent over chat messages to be uploaded to and downloaded from Amazon S3.
技术:快速, Xcode, WatchOS, 移动开发, 应用程序商店, iOS, 订阅处理, Mobile, Figma, iOS SDK, Combine, AVFoundation, Visual Studio 应用中心, JSON, 软件架构, GitFlow, Slack, 移动应用程序, Firebase, 核心位置, 反应性编程, Git, 核心视频, iOS相机, UIKit, CloudKit, 应用内购买, Swift 5, TestFlight, iOS原生库, 交友应用, 医疗保健, 用户体验设计, APIs, REST api, Apple, GitHub, CocoaPods, 用户界面(UI), 核心动画, UI动画, iOS 10+, iOS API, 领导, 社交媒体, 模型视图视图模型(MVVM), Auth0, OneSignal, 蓝牙, iPhone, Audio, iCloud, ChatGPT, OpenAI GPT-3 API, 移动应用程序, Keychain, OpenAI, 苹果的手表, Mixpanel, 逆向工程, 本地数据持久化, Networks


2016 - 2020
  • Coordinated the building of a complex responsive UI using storyboards that integrate with multiple features, 包括自定义组件和映射.
  • 在Core data之上创建了一个多线程的本地持久数据架构.
  • Developed a client-side synchronization that uses operation queues to run tasks that combine data from local and remote sources without affecting the user experience.
  • Built an interface using RESTful web services and designed and implemented it with frameworks for location services, 本地通知和推送通知, 地址本, calendar, photos, 应用内购买, 和重火力点.
  • 参与整个软件开发生命周期, 包括收集产品需求, 创建和分发技术需求, 和质量保证团队一起工作.
  • 发布后使用Swift开发新特性, 维护遗留的objective - c代码, 并使用桥接来管理两者之间的接口.
技术:快速, objective - c, Xcode, WatchOS,移动开发,CI/CD管道, 应用程序商店, iOS, Mobile, Figma, iOS SDK, Visual Studio 应用中心, JSON, 软件架构, 技术领导, 团队的领导, Jira, Slack, 移动应用程序, iOS Video, Firebase, 核心位置, 核心数据, Git, 核心视频, iOS相机, UIKit, CloudKit, Trello, 应用内购买, Swift 5, TestFlight, iOS原生库, APIs, REST api, Apple, SDKs, GitHub, CocoaPods, 用户界面(UI), 核心动画, UI动画, iOS 10+, iOS API, Core ML, 队列管理, 领导, 模型视图视图模型(MVVM), 最小可行产品(MVP), iPhone, 移动应用程序, Keychain, 苹果的手表, Mailchimp, 逆向工程, 本地数据持久化, Networks


2015 - 2016
  • 创建了Notabli应用程序, 在创业环境中建立的私人社交网络, that allows parents to send photos and recordings of memorable moments with their children to close friends and family.
  • Rearchitected and improved the 核心数据 implementation and used AWS to direct image and video uploads and downloads.
  • 开发了所有媒体的UI显示,使用延迟加载来显示图像, 允许在后台加载视频, 并启用了媒体列表中的自动播放.
  • Built a share extension that allowed uploads directly from other applications and managed the transition from objective - c to Swift.
技术:敏捷, Swift, objective - c, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Xcode, 移动开发, 应用程序商店, iOS, 订阅处理, Mobile, Figma, iOS SDK, AVFoundation, JSON, GitFlow, Slack, 移动应用程序, iOS Video, Firebase, 核心位置, 核心数据, Git, 核心视频, iOS相机, UIKit, Trello, 应用内购买, Swift 5, TestFlight, iOS原生库, APIs, REST api, 电子支付, Apple, GitHub, CocoaPods, 用户界面(UI), 核心动画, UI动画, iOS 10+, iOS API, 领导, 最小可行产品(MVP), iPhone, 移动应用程序, Keychain, SSL证书, 逆向工程, 本地数据持久化, Networks


2012 - 2015
  • Participated in product meetings and was in charge of delivering technical requirements to the team of three iOS and two Android developers.
  • Delivered a prototype from scratch for a presentation given to executives during my first two weeks on the team.
  • Discussed the implementation of RESTful web services required by clients during frequent meetings with the back-end team.
  • Coordinated with the designers to ensure that their UI and UX designs were usable and in compliance with Apple's human interface guidelines.
  • Handled the production deployments of the Syw Local and 按你的方式购物接力 iPhone applications.
技术:objective - c, Swift, Xcode, Agile, 移动开发, 应用程序商店, iOS, Mobile, iOS SDK, AVFoundation, JSON, 技术领导, 团队的领导, 移动应用程序, 核心位置, 核心数据, Git, UIKit, TestFlight, iOS原生库, Apple, SDKs, GitHub, SQLite, CocoaPods, 用户界面(UI), 核心动画, UI动画, iOS 10+, iOS API, 最小可行产品(MVP), 电子商务, 逆向工程


在创业环境中建立私人社交网络, 处理iOS应用程序的维护和持续开发, 与一名开发人员合作, 后来继续支持和完善我自己的应用程序. The Notably app allows parents to send photos and recordings of memorable moments with their children to close friends and family.


Contributed to the development of a Swift and Combine-based application for video communication. I was part of a small team that built the client that relied on the AVFoundation framework for recording and displaying videos and connecting to a Firebase back end.


Collaborated with the iOS team to enable live messaging and media transfer for OhMD, a HIPAA-compliant medical messaging application that allows real-time communication between medical professionals and their patients. 该应用程序使用AWS作为媒体存储,后端使用Firebase.


Developed an 电子商务 application based on Swift and objective - c that allows customers to purchase items from local stores through the app. The client application was connected to multiple RESTful back-end services to incorporate customers' existing Sears accounts and allow purchasing with stored payment options.


领导myPlanit的开发, a data-intensive mobile application that heavily relied on access to local device settings. The app required complex sync architecture and the use of 核心数据 to operate in offline mode while maintaining the users' data integrity. A proprietary location services algorithm used by the app allowed us to track users' important locations throughout the day while having a minimal impact on their devices' battery life.
2006 - 2007



2002 - 2006



库/ api

iOS原生库, REST api, CocoaPods, 核心动画, iOS API, RxSwift, RxCocoa, HealthKit


Xcode, Figma, TestFlight, GitHub, Git, Visual Studio 应用中心, Jira, Slack, Trello, 苹果HealthKit, Auth0, OneSignal, ChatGPT, Mailchimp


iPhone SDK, 核心位置, 核心数据, iOS SDK, UIKit, 核心视频, SwiftUI, CloudKit, Core ML, Combine


Swift, objective - c, Swift 5, SQL, GraphQL


移动开发, Agile, 反应性编程, 模型视图视图模型(MVVM), 用户体验设计


iOS, Firebase, Mobile, Apple, iOS 10+, 苹果的手表, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Keychain, Mixpanel, WatchOS, iCloud






软件开发, iOS相机, 应用程序商店, 订阅处理, 移动应用程序, iOS Video, 应用内购买, APIs, UI动画, 最小可行产品(MVP), iPhone, 移动应用程序, Networks, CI / CD管道, AVFoundation, 软件架构, 技术领导, 团队的领导, 体系结构, GitFlow, 流媒体视频, 用户界面(UI), 用户体验(UX), 电子支付, 振幅, SDKs, Widgets, 领导, 电子商务, 蓝牙, Audio, App 保护, Security, SSL, SSL证书, 逆向工程, 本地数据持久化, 交友应用, P2P, 队列管理, OpenAI GPT-3 API, OpenAI



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