Topher Williams,美国加州圣地亚哥的产品经理
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Topher Williams

Verified Expert  in Product Management

Product Manager

Toptal Member Since
July 3, 2019

Topher是一名管理人员和企业家,拥有超过15年的运营经验, technology, and product management and development leadership experience across a breadth of industries with specific expertise working with startups. He's always been a person who prefers a great deal of variety in his work—whether that's solving different problems facing an organization or working with several companies in different markets.

Project Highlights

MomCo App
Led product management and development activities through 7 quarters of >30% user growth and $300,000 in seed funding raised.
Led the product design and development for eCommerce analytics tools—enabling client YoY revenue growth >400%.
带领团队开发一款手机游戏原型, 利用即时工程来训练ChatGPT的独特性, ai驱动的角色互动.


Work Experience

Founder | CEO

2017 - PRESENT
  • 为十几家早期企业提供cto雇佣服务, 主要专注于产品管理, 预估财务建模和业务案例开发, and product development.
  • Developed product development services business and leveraged on-shore and off-shore development partners to bring countless MVPs to market.
  • 获得了许多垂直领域的行业经验, 包括大麻客户, heavy industrial, 消费者和商业软件应用程序, IoT, healthcare IT, and others.
  • 参与的项目涵盖了广泛的技术,包括网络和移动技术栈(MEAN/MERN/).NET), 云和无服务器架构, RFID和嵌入式应用, 以及与无数私人和政府api的集成.

Co-founder | CEO

2017 - PRESENT
Article Innovations
  • 在运营的第一年,年收入就超过了50万美元.
  • 监督并负责日常业务运营的综合管理(人力资源), operations, finance, and so on).
  • Managed the commercialization and product development of several SaaS products for the Amazon third-party seller eCommerce market.


2016 - 2017
Canopy San Diego
  • 为企业家提供融资途径和他们面临的其他商业挑战的反馈和见解.
  • 讲授金融建模和商业模型.
  • 为SaaS、消费品和数字媒体等行业的企业家提供咨询和指导.

CTO | Acting CFO

2015 - 2017
  • 开发财务模型, business strategy, 增长和风险缓解计划, pitch decks, and due diligence materials; also participated in fundraising, due diligence, and other investor meetings.
  • Regularly created comprehensive and concise investor update communications that effectively communicated the company's financial and operational performance, strategic direction, 以及我们的利益相关者的增长前景.
  • 定义和实现业务关键绩效指标(kpi)和产品分析(包括行为分析), data collection, 机制和过程.
  • 利用数据制定产品路线图(增长黑客), strategic decision-making, and operational improvements. 执行客户服务手册和程序.
  • Managed financial statements, investor roster, 通过注册会计师办理工资发放手续, bookkeeper, and legal team collaboration. 执行员工福利和健康保险计划,确保遵守劳动法.
  • 与法律团队合作创建和谈判可转换债务融资等协议, IP licensing, 和员工合同,同时还要处理合同审查, revisions, government filings, and other correspondence.
  • Led the development, maintenance, and support of mobile apps, web platforms, and back-end infrastructure. 管理7名海上工程师和3名当地承包商. 实现敏捷开发流程.
  • 与首席执行官一起制定销售预测和目标, sales collateral, 以及其他营销材料.
  • 进行了广泛的定价、竞争、行业和并购研究. 领导产品管理(概念测试), market analysis, 与客户进行产品测试)开发新业务产品.
  • 支持连续7个季度应用用户增长超过30%. 提高了平台的盈利能力,收益从0美元增长到30美元,在销售的第一季度内,每月要支付000英镑.

Lead High-tech Analyst

2012 - 2016
Tech Coast Angels
  • 代表天使投资人对早期阶段(天使)融资进行尽职调查.
  • 进行市场和财务报表分析, 经过验证的业务模型和假设, 审查技术/知识产权和增长战略, 并对调查结果和分析进行了总结, 包括投资意向书和其他数据, with associated opinions.
  • 招募、培训并监督高科技领域新分析师实习生的发展.
  • 利用办公时间与企业家讨论融资路线图和其他商业挑战.


2015 - 2015
  • 与管理团队一起制定产品策略, 参与投资者会议, 并开发了预估财务模型.
  • 开发客户DNA样本运输、接收和处理的物流流程.
  • 监督开发定制的web应用程序(约会网站)与专有的基于dna的匹配算法. 在不中断产品交付的情况下加入开发团队. 技术包括AngularJS, MySQL, Express.js, PHP, AWS EC2, and RDS.
  • Designed and executed numerous multi-variate studies to improve user signup/conversion and engagement metrics and to optimize pricing models.
  • 支持从天使投资者那里筹集50万美元的资金.
  • 将产品开发转移到陆上,没有任何中断.


2008 - 2015
  • 审查了买方M公司有关工程和运营的尽职调查材料&A交易及技术许可.
  • 为公司战略规划委员会做出贡献.
  • 研究、确定和管理战略技术合作伙伴关系.
  • 开发了一种新的商业模式来服务运输网络公司(e).g., Uber, Lyft) industry; pitched business opprtunities to Uber executives.
  • 管理产品开发项目,预算超过1500万美元,拥有40多名工程师.
  • Oversaw the execution of outsourced development contracts to ensure contract performance by working closely with product management teams to ensure development teams delivered the right value at the right time. 技术包括嵌入式Linux、OpenCV、C/ c++、c#、MS SQL、RESTful web服务(.NET),嵌入式硬件,CDMA, GSM和WiFi无线技术,USB OTG.
  • 创建流程并管理敏捷工程方法在硬件上的推广, software, and firmware teams.
  • Developed manufacturing technology solutions and transitioned manufacturing operations from the US to China without any supply-chain disruptions.
  • 发达的全球物流系统和高度可扩展的架构, 连接五个国家的实时生产信息.
  • Conceptualized and developed a new business model for the TNC industry and successfully worked through relationships to get an opportunity to pitch executives at Uber.
  • 跨工程团队实现敏捷开发实践, 提高估计精度超过100%,并大大提高开发的可预测性和可见性.
  • 交付了三个长期(超过18个月)的开发项目,并拥有从摇篮到坟墓的技术所有权.
  • 为制造和逆向物流提供技术解决方案,以降低30%的成本支持300%的增长率.
  • 创新的制造和产品变化将现场故障率从5%以上降低到小于0.5%.
  • 共同撰写三项技术专利(均已授权).


2013 - 2013
Senoma Group
  • 与管理合伙人一起领导交易采购活动.
  • 使用Manta, PrivCo和Bloomberg等数据库搜索收购目标.
  • 提供从医疗保健IT到可视语音邮件提供商等行业的详细细分研究.
  • 为十几个潜在的收购目标提出了投资假设.

Founder | CEO

2006 - 2011
Metropolitan Management
  • 创立B2B SaaS公司,提供呼叫中心销售管理工具. There were no employees initially; bootstrapped product development.
  • 完成与多家财富500强公司的销售,管理关系,并支持客户.
  • 管理三个国家的工程团队,将三个SaaS产品推向市场.
  • Closed deals with AT&T和时代华纳有线电视以及其他小企业.
  • Completed work that ensured we were cash flow positive within first quarter of operations and triple-digit growth annually with recurring revenue subscription model.

Software Project Manager

2003 - 2006
Nokia Mobile Phones
  • 带领一支工程专家团队遍布四大洲.
  • 评估、优先排序和选择开发项目.
  • 管理工作,组建团队.
  • 开发创新,使全球生产线产能提高近100%.
  • 被公认为CDMA和WCDMA体系结构无线校准的全球专家,用于批量生产.


Led the product design and development for an RFID grow management system for the cannabis space—from concept to MVP and pilots.

由于政府在大麻领域的新要求和法规,这是一个复杂的项目, 而且当时大多数商业种植者普遍缺乏成熟的技术.

和公司的CEO一起工作, 我帮助他的团队构建和管理开发backlog, 优化功能优先级, interview clients, 并监督了一年多的开发项目.

这个项目在技术上很棘手,因为它涵盖了大量的技术:云后端和web应用程序, 集成了RFID阅读器的本地移动应用程序, 固定基础设施RFID读取器, and on-site middleware. 除了各种各样的技术在发挥作用, 该系统需要满足各种政府(和主权国家)的报告和审计要求, 其中大多数在我们开发系统时都没有很好地定义.

MomCo App

Led product management and development activities through 7 quarters of >30% user growth and $300,000 in seed funding raised.

The MomCo app was a mobile app (native iOS and Android apps) that used geolocation services to help moms find other moms with similarly aged children near. 这款应用还推广了公司在美国各地举办的游戏约会和其他活动, private mom groups, 还有很多其他的功能.

这款应用曾在《欧博体育app下载》中亮相,吸引了超过5万名妈妈使用该平台. 这款应用的粘性和采用率吸引了300美元,在我任职公司期间,我获得了2000万美元的种子基金.

With the ability to get moms (a highly valuable demographic) to attend events and provide feedback on products and services that were available to try at these events, 我们开始开发功能,使应用程序可以作为虚拟消费者面板使用. 我们这样做是为了把精选的妈妈系列的使用权卖给那些想要销售给这些人群的品牌. 这是一个令人兴奋的平台扩展机会.


Led the product design and development for eCommerce analytics tools—enabling client YoY revenue growth >400%.

The client is an online retailer looking to optimize the allocation of their capital across hundreds of thousands of products that they could potentially sell. 增加了另一个层次的复杂性, 客户也在亚马逊上销售现成的产品, 这意味着存在动态竞争, pricing pressure, 其他因素也使得需求和价格预测变得尤为棘手.

Working with the client, 我们设计了一个理想的工作流程,可以实现最高的效率和自动化. The workflow would use algorithms to identify potential products from Amazon's 450 million item product catalog that might be good performers for the client to sell.

The algorithms would add brands to a sales pipeline tool where workers would process the leads and attempt to establish relationships with the manufacturers and obtain pricing information (and other logistic information). The workers would then submit that data to another software solution that would perform an in-depth financial analysis of each product, 包括利用几种机器学习算法, 确定企业可以采取行动的最佳库存投资组合. 这种效率使该公司能够扫描数十万种产品.



The client was interested in building a SaaS product to replace in-house financial analysis and reporting spreadsheets and other AIS tools they used with a more automated and integrated web solution that could also be sold to other firms.

The client being a full-service accounting firm had no in-house technical resources or any experience bringing technical products to market. 在这个项目中,我以内部CTO的身份与客户合作.

作为副首席技术官, 我与客户合作,捕捉并细化他们的产品愿景和需求, 将这些产品需求分解到用户场景中, 定义了项目的技术栈和系统架构. 一旦这个前期工作完成, I managed a vendor selection process to qualify on- and off-shore development firms and guided the client through the partner decision making process. 一旦选定了开发公司, 在整个项目中,我一直与他们一起工作,共同管理敏捷开发过程, 作为产品负责人, 还包括管理用户验收测试和其他客户责任, 同时透明地沟通项目状态, issues, and so forth to the client.


提供了一个全面的MVP包,一个新的语音分析产品:市场研究, 战略性地定义MVP应该是什么, 对提议的MVP进行经济分析, 技术合作伙伴的评估过程, and detailed user stories.


我对市场做了深入的分析, 从球员的角度来看, 是什么商业模式在起作用, 存在什么样的技术关系, 以及每个竞争者的产品是什么样子的.

我与客户的几个现有和潜在客户合作,以确定他们的痛点, 概念测试潜在的产品功能和商业模式, 并真正尝试理解这些技术如何在他们的组织中创造价值.

With this information, I developed an MVP concept, including which features should (or should not) be a part of the MVP (and what a feature roadmap might look like—similar to a PRD), as well as a few business model options and how each of the models might perform (considering various development cost scenarios combined with different operational cost and pricing models).

在获得客户利益相关者的支持后, 我研究了MVP的定义,并创建了用户故事来分解和描述MVP的每个功能, 以及我之前确定的技术合作伙伴的技术评估和选择标准.


Led the's product team to drive sustained monthly user growth to >10%, reduced annualized churn to <3%, 通过创新的产品和流程改进,用户参与度增加了一倍以上.

As's head of product, I led a team of designers, researchers, product managers, 和客户支持代表应用数据驱动的实验和决策, 基金账户的月增长率超过10%,年流失率降低到3%以下. Additionally, 我实施了一个OKR流程,并开发了一些流程,将整个组织的创新系统化. 有了产品待办事项列表的所有权,我推动了Q的成功.并帮助它在福布斯的保护伞下成长.


Led integration and development efforts of marketing automation systems to enable a reduction of service delivery costs of around 50%.

The client is a sales and marketing agency that uses several tools and spreadsheets to engage in outbound email marketing and appointment-setting activities. I worked with the client and development teams to build an easy-to-use web application that automated several labor-intensive tasks like sourcing, importing, validating, 丰富联系人信息, writing email copies, 根据活动表现组织联系, and reporting). Cost reductions were achieved by automating as many processes as possible by integrating with various data brokers in a cost-effective manner, 利用人工智能进行文案, 并建立一个报告平台,为企业和客户服务.



带领一个工程师团队设计了一个基于rfid的系统,提供加密安全, 供应链资产真实性验证. 该系统由一个web应用程序组成, server applications, 以及嵌入式硬件应用. 我在美国空军工作过, Lockheed Martin, 和其他利益相关者定义满足网络安全和其他国防部标准的系统需求. We delivered a system that allowed the USAF and their suppliers to verify the authenticity of materials and components and to trace each item's lifecycle through manufacturing and repair processes.


带领团队开发一款手机游戏原型, 利用即时工程来训练ChatGPT的独特性, ai驱动的角色互动.

率先开发并实施了一项创新, 人工智能手机健身游戏, 利用OpenAI的ChatGPT来拟人化各种游戏角色, 增强交互性和用户参与度.

利用即时工程有效培训ChatGPT, 创造多样化的AI个性, 每个人都有专业知识, 提供独特且吸引人的游戏体验.

Actively collaborated with a cross-functional team to ensure the AI integration complemented the game design while optimizing the overall user experience.

领导严格的测试和调试程序, 确保最佳的人工智能性能,并有助于交付高质量的产品, robust gaming product.
2012 - 2014



2005 - 2011



2004 - 2011



1998 - 2003





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